From humble beginnings the company started trading in physical gold and silver, growing to be one of the largest wholesale suppliers and traders in bullion and precious metals in the entire region.
Over the years Eastern Trading Company has traded in millions of ounces of gold and silver including physical valued at several billion dollars and on spot and futures markets, together with substantial dealings in foreign exchange.
In addition ETC has successfully participated in GSA gold auctions and IMF gold sales in the mid-1970s valued at more than US$ 1.2 billion.
The company has built strong relationships with leading global investment and commercial banks, bullion banks, precious metals dealers, Futures Commission Merchants and securities houses, by conducting business with the highest ethical and moral values in all transactions.

Eastern Trading Company LLC has had relationships with many leading global institutions, amongst others:

The following testimonials reflect the reputation and good standing of Eastern Trading Company and its principles, the Ashraf family, in the business community, both internationally and locally in Dubai.